Marketing a virtual event is different from promoting a traditional one. We have already mentioned this, of course, but it is such a broad topic that it seems appropriate to take a closer look at one particular aspect that should not be underestimated. The creation of a suitable landing page, to help increase attendance, to promote the event, and to provide all the information your audience needs. A landing page is one of the most important elements of your entire virtual event promotional campaign, and therefore it is essential to design it carefully. Here are some useful tips to make it really effective.
What is the purpose of a landing page?
First of all it is important to clarify the purpose of your landing page. This kind of page is used to increase conversion rates, which, in the case of an event, might mean registration or ticket sales. The name comes from the very nature of this page, on which visitors ‘land’ after clicking on a social media ad, an email, or a Google Ad. By its very nature, therefore, a landing page should always contain a call-to-action and direct access to the conversion tool (e.g. a sign-up form or a “buy now” button).
Designing your landing page: convey the spirit of the event visually
Of all the content in your web marketing strategy, the landing page is probably the one for which design is most important. You have only a few seconds to grab the visitor’s attention, to stimulate their interest and enthusiasm, to provoke an emotional reaction and influence their decision. That’s why you can’t afford to use visual schemes that are ineffective, dated or – worse – cluttered or unclear. Ideally, you want to be innovative enough to create a new trend, but it would be unrealistic to expect every single landing page to achieve this. However, it’s vital not to fall behind or settle for an outdated visual layout.
UPS Highlights
You have limited space to communicate with your audience: your content will be displayed, on a computer screen or a smartphone. Therefore it is unlikely that you will be able to make every single piece of information about your event available at a glance. What should be included and what should be left out and distributed across the rest of your website? Top priority must be given to your UPS (Unique Selling Proposition). What makes your virtual event unique? On this first page you should try to answer your target audience’s question: “Why should I attend this event?” as briefly and effectively as possible. Your whole layout should revolve around this answer and guide the visitor through to conversion.
Details matter
While the UPS should be the main focus of your page, it should not be the only content on it. You want the user to stay on the landing page and leave it only to proceed to booking or purchase. Consequently, you must save them the trouble of having to explore other pages to find out the details that interest them. The time and date of the event, names and short bios of the most important speakers, prices, relevant benefits: all these elements must be easily identifiable on the page and encourage the satisfied user to respond directly to the CTA.